Training-of-Trainers: Knowledge Sharing in Public Institutions in Moldova
About this learning event
This event will be delivered by TIGERS from the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands and LIONs from the National Bank of Moldova (NBM). Participants will explore the theory and philosophy of the TIGERs and LIONs as creative facilitators, and learn about various learning techniques, and tools. They will also have an opportunity to practice these techniques, The LIONS and TIGERS will share good practices and knowledge to support participants to upskill as internal trainers. The aim is to empower participants to become effective trainers within their organizations, thereby maximizing the impact of the NBM LearnOrgLab project which focuses on strengthening individual capacities for learning and knowledge sharing, and fostering better understanding of learning organization principles.
Target audience
This workshop is designed for the National Bank of Moldova (ToT Cohort 2), Ministry of Finance and State Tax Service of Moldova, other line ministries from Moldova.
This event is delivered as part of the National Bank of Moldova–Institutional Transformation into a Learning Organization (NBM LearnOrgLab) project implemented by the CEF and supported by: