Transforming Public Institutions into Learning Organizations

Sep 30 – Oct 2, 2025 CEF, Ljubljana, Slovenia No Fee

About this learning event

At the workshop, employees of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) will share their experiences from becoming a learning organization. Regional partners will have a chance to participate in a workshop on leadership and knowledge management. The NBM team will facilitate the event and showcase the progress achieved through the NBM LearnOrgLab project. Additionally, the workshop will connect the concept of learning organizations with climate change and sustainability.

Who should attend

This workshop is designed for central banks, ministries of finance, and line ministries from South East Europe.


This event is delivered as part of the National Bank of Moldova–Institutional Transformation into a Learning Organization (NBM LearnOrgLab) project implemented by the CEF and supported by:

Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands Slovenia's Development Cooperation Ministry of Finance Slovenia