Integrated Implementation of the Reform Agenda

Mar 11 – 13, 2025 Bled, Slovenia No Fee

About this learning event

This study visit involves learning about how countries cope(d) with the digitalization of large and complex EU initiatives within Western Balkans economies and one EU country, such as RA and RRF respectively. On day 1 the study visit would be hosted by the Recovery and Resilience Office and Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy. While looking into their monitoring and reporting solutions, we will also discuss about Slovenian experience with rules on payments (satisfactory fulfilment of relevant milestones, commission assessment, reducing amounts, etc.) and dive into a case study on concrete challenges of one line ministry when reporting on reforms and investments. On day 2 we will  delve into  WB6 country experience. A hands-on experience setting of the event will be (co)facilitated by the CEF team to further encourage the exchange of experience and views.

The contents of the study visit will be tailored to the beneficiaries’ interests and needs. Sharing the experience and enhancing the understanding of how digitalization has transformed organizational structures and processes in terms of communication, cooperation, and coordination, will be at the heart of the event. Special attention will be given to: 

  • assuring the presentations and discussions provide practical insight from various perspectives to understand how the digitalization enhances RA implementation steps and stakeholders (i.e. RA Coordinators, line ministries, other stakeholders, IT/procurement);
  • exploring the practical implications and possibilities for “transferring the technology” or its parts to best support the needs of the beneficiaries.


  • Mag. Josip Mihalic, Director, Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Recovery and Resilience, Slovenia
  • Mojca Golob, Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Recovery and Resilience, Slovenia
  • Klemen Košir, Director, Green Transition Promotion Office, Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Slovenia
  • Dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić, State Secretary, responsible for Information Society and Digital Solutions Development, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Slovenia
  • Benjamin Steiner, Analyst, IT, Center of Excellence in Finance

Who should attend

Reform Agenda Coordinators and their team members.

Practical information

Flights, transfers, accommodation in Slovenia, and meals during the event will be fully funded for three selected officials per Western Balkan country. 


This event is delivered as part of the EU-funded multi-beneficiary project “Structural Reforms Better Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks” (FISR 2) implemented by the CEF.

Funded by the European Union