Revisiting the Thinking Process of the Leader with Critical Thinking & Strategic Thinking

Sep 11 – 14, 2024 Moldova No Fee

About this learning event

With the global trends and evolution we are currently witnessing, it appears to be extremely difficult to understand and to apprehend today’s world. In such an increasingly complex context, leading teams and organizations represents a huge challenge for current corporate leaders. In consequence, it might be the right time to shift the traditional leading approach to an updated one, much better suited to the new challenges ahead. In that respect, leaders need especially to start thinking differently and to look at their activity with a new perspective in order to take their decisions with a more effective approach.

During this 2 days’ workshop, participants will learn and experiment two key aspects that represent a prerequisite to this new leadership approach: critical thinking and strategic thinking.

Critical thinking implies the necessity to challenge our mindset and to get rid of our automatic habits and ways of thinking. These habits and automatisms are mainly based on our set of beliefs and our emotions, as well as on the influence of our social context. Critical thinking involves applying emotional intelligence and logic to be able to assess, with objectivity, available data and information. It enables us to identify illogical statements or fake news. It focuses on stepping back, conceptualizing, and evaluating information that guides our thoughts, ideas, and actions. Participants will learn to observe, listen, reflect, and ask questions in a way that challenge the traditional thinking mode.

While critical thinking provides the analytical rigor and objectivity needed to ensure qualitative information and data gathering, strategic thinking brings the vision and the planning which are necessary to achieve long-term goals. Therefore, critical thinking is a prerequisite to effective strategic thinking. Strategic thinking involves the ability to envision long-term goals, understand the broader context, and develop plans and actions to achieve those goals.

Participants will learn to better plan, with a big-picture perspective and a long-term vision while being agile to adapt to the circumstances and remain creative to new alternatives.

Target audience

Top management of the National Bank of Moldova.


The learning event will be delivered by:

  • Gilles Ossona de Mendez

Gilles is an expert, a professional accredited certified coach and an international trainer with extensive HR experience gained in the banking sector. He is locally recognized as a leader in his field. He is also a consultant in HR. 

His moto is: “People are key and everyone has a potential to reveal!”

During 18 years, Gilles had a successful career as HR head in international Banks in Luxembourg. 10 years ago, he decided to offer his competencies to accompany and inspire people and organizations on their journey toward excellence. His approach is based on a combination of coaching, consulting and training, in order to offer the best tailor-made solutions to his clients.  His HR pragmatic and operational approach combined with his focus on personal development and motivation leads to increased autonomy, performance, and well-being.

Practical information

The duration of the workshop is 2 days between 9 am and 5 pm. Two consecutive groups of NBM leaders will participate in this workshop.


This event is delivered as part of the National Bank of Moldova–Institutional Transformation into a Learning Organization (NBM LearnOrgLab) project implemented by the CEF and supported by:

Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands Slovenia's Development Cooperation Ministry of Finance Slovenia