TIAPS ALB: Informative session with the local tutors

Jan 27, 2023 Online No Fee

About this learning event

During this informative session, the engaged local tutors will be provided with an opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of their roles and responsibilities in the TIAPS Albania project.  One of the main objectives of the meeting is to provide the engaged local tutors with a thorough understanding of the project delivery details. This will enable them to comprehend the overall scope of the project and how their role fits into the broader context. It will also help them to align their training approach with the project objectives and ensure that they are delivering the training in a manner that is consistent with the project vision.

In addition to learning about their roles and responsibilities in the TIAPS Albania project, the meeting will also provide a platform for the engaged local tutors to get to know each other and share their expectations for the project. This will allow them to contribute to the project's development and ensure that their input is taken into consideration. By encouraging open communication and collaboration, the project team can create an environment where the engaged local tutors feel valued and invested in the project's success.

Target audience

Local tutors selected for the four modules of the TIAPS Albania program


This learning initiative was supported by:

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Slovenia Ministry of Finance Slovenia SIGMA - OECD
Ministry of Finance and Economy, Albania CIPFA