Collaboration between Internal and External Audit Teams is a Win-Win
Ms. Stoja Roćenović, Head of Direction for Harmonization of Internal Audit at the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, shares her reflections about her attendance at the workshop which provided a platform for the exchange of ideas on how to increase cooperation between external auditors working in supreme audit institutions and public sector internal auditors. The event was delivered as part of CEF’s learning program for internal auditors and resulted into offering the participants insights into the benefits of stronger cooperation and coordination, guidance on cooperation modalities and practices, and focused on the applicable IPPF and ISSAI standards.
"I attended the CEF Workshop on Collaboration of Internal and External Auditors, and I would like to share my thoughts and experiences.
The topic was particularly interesting, taking into account that both internal and external audit add value to the operations of public sector institutions and contribute to responsible and transparent management of public funds. Both internal and external auditors increase the efficiency of audit with their knowledge and experience. Therefore, well established mutual cooperation of both functions is very important for the public sector.
The workshop was excellently prepared and delivered by the CEF and Slovenian and international trainers. Each day was exciting, highly interactive and above all useful for both myself and other participants, particularly because of highly experienced and interesting lecturers. Participants immediately started working together as if they had known each other for a long time, and we shared experiences. I would also like to thank the CEF staff for their commitment in preparation of the workshop as well as their active support during the workshop.
What I liked the most was one very interesting and useful case study about the practical experiences of different countries with the relationship between internal and external audit. Our group work led to a productive discussion and exchange of ideas. Through that discussion, I gained a better understanding of the topic and got ideas how to better implement cooperation of internal and external audit in practice.
Each day after the workshop participants talked and shared their thoughts and we all agreed that it was a highly interesting and inspiring workshop. On some days we even didn’t go on a coffee break in order to finish our group work.
When I came back to my office, I was thinking about the benefits of the workshop. I again reassured myself that practical experience of cooperation between internal and external audit in my country function in a similar way as in the neighboring countries. Moreover, I have improved my knowledge of this area, which will enhance my work performance. Besides that, I found it very useful to connect with colleagues from different institutions and countries.
I was impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm of both workshop experts and participants, all of whom contributed to the event’s success, as well as by the professionalism of the CEF staff throughout the workshop. They are very responsible and accountable as regards preparing different workshops by determining the right topics, appropriate groups of participants and adequate time for workshop sessions. This is proved by the long-standing cooperation of my institution with the CEF in numerous projects, which have been jointly successfully implemented."