TIAPS Albania: On-the-Job Training

Oct 1 – Nov 30, 2024 Ljubljana, Slovenia No Fee

About this learning initiative

The on-the-job training program, part of the TIAPS project, is being developed with a focus on two key topics: Performance Audit (PA) and the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP). This hybrid program will take place throughout October and November 2024.

Participants who have successfully completed all four TIAPS modules throughout 2023-2024, will be organized into three working groups. Two of these groups will concentrate on QAIP, while the third will focus on PA.

Students will have access to the list of essential articles, books, and other relevant materials. They will engage in both individual and collaborative research to prepare different chapters and develop their papers. Throughout the training, regional and local experts will provide guidance and feedback.

Midway through the program, the groups will review and refine their materials before finalizing them. Delivery of presentations will take place in face-to-face, in Tirana.

Students, who will be successful at this training, will be invited to join the graduation ceremony in December.

Target audience

This learning initiative is intended for students who have successfully passed examinations of all four TIAPS modules.


Regional tutors:

  • Martina Toman-Pfajfar
  • Nihad Nakaš

Local tutors:

  • Albana Gjinopulli
  • Rinaldo Muça
  • Valbona Gaxha
  • Aldo Kita


This learning initiative is supported by:

Ministry of Finance and Economy, Albania Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Slovenia Ministry of Finance Slovenia