TIAPS Albania: Enhancing Audit Excellence: Exploring Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS) Through Key Practices and Innovations

Dec 17, 2024 Tirana, Albania No Fee

About this learning event

This learning initiative will begin with an overview and lessons learned of the TIAPS project, outlining its role in strengthening audit frameworks and practices within Albania. This will provide a foundation for understanding TIAPS's contributions to improving public sector governance and auditing standards. Following this, participants will engage in discussions on emerging trends and future topics in performance auditing, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS).

The focus will then shift toward leveraging GIAS in specific areas of audit practices. The sessions will cover the integration of GIAS with Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC), audit quality enhancement, audit planning, and performance auditing. Additionally, discussion on the role of the Central Harmonization Unit (CHU) in GIAS adoption will provide practical insights into elevating Albania's auditing standards. The event will conclude with an open dialogue, reflecting on key takeaways and strategies for embedding GIAS into national auditing practices.

Who should attend

This learning initiative is intended for students who have successfully passed examinations of all four TIAPS modules, as well as On-the-Job Training component.


  • Representative from CIPFA, Keynote Speaker
  • Francis Nicholson, International Tutor
  • Albana Gjinopulli, Local Tutor


This learning initiative is supported by:

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Slovenia Ministry of Finance and Economy, Albania Ministry of Finance, Slovenia