Meeting with Counterpart Learning Professionals Through the learn4dev Network
The CEF attended meeting of the learn4dev core group and joint meeting of the learn4dev Organizational learning and Knowledge management / Knowledge sharing expert groups. Network activities link donor organizations to contribute to more effective and harmonized development cooperation.
We cover communication activities of the network and in this role take part of the core group. The main focus of discussions of the core group meeting held in Paris on January 27-28, 2016 was planning and preparation of the 2016 Network Annual Meeting that will take place in Rome, Italy, June 15-17, 2016. The meeting will cover the topic of innovations in learning and will be hosted by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in co-organization with Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Together with organizers and representatives of Department for International Development (DFID), European Commission and World Bank we discussed the progress in preparations for the meeting and shared our experiences and ideas with the organizers.
Learn4dev member organizations offer mutual support for better competence development by offering trainings, sharing resources and exchanging experience on ways to strengthen competencies and achieve optimal results. Members cooperate in different thematic areas in the form of expert groups. At the meeting we reviewed current activities of the groups. Capacity development and Decentralization and local governance (DeLoG) expert groups were the most active expert groups in the recent period. Both developed new e-learnings that will be launched soon. DeLoG will be running the next session of their e-learning course on “Decentralisation and Local Governance” from April-June 2016 for around 30 participants. Capacity development e-learning will take place in April 2016. Registration will open in February and will be limited to around 20 participants. Follow the learn4dev website to stay informed.
Meeting of the OLEG and KM/KS expert groups were held back-to-back to the core group meeting. We captured the meeting highlights here.
About learn4dev:
learn4dev is a joint donors’ competence development network and an open forum for donor agencies and multilateral organizations. Its objective is to promote improved aid effectiveness for poverty reduction by enhancing donor cooperation in the field of competence development and training.