Meeting of the CEF Coordinators and the Advisory Board Successfully Concluded
We successfully concluded a meeting of the CEF coordinators, representatives of our member institutions and our donor partners represented in the CEF Advisory Board. The meeting was characterized by a constructive atmosphere oriented to further improve CEF learning program and align it with the learning needs in the SEE region. On the occasion of the meetings we organized a reception to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the CEF together with our partners.
Every two years we organize a meeting with our Coordinators to discuss and exchange ideas about the CEF learning program focusing on how learning needs of their institutions can be incorporated into the program. The meeting is traditionally organized back-to-back with the meeting of the CEF Advisory Board to discuss and coordinate the delivery of the program`s delivery.
The CEF staff presented the learning program for 2017 and its focus until 2020 for deliberation by the Coordinators and the Advisory Board by thematic areas of:
- public financial management: budget planning and execution, auditing and accounting;
- tax policy and administration;
- central banking;
- and leadership for managing reforms.
The program will be supplemented with learning proposals of regional coordinators to increase its relevance for the region. We reviewed together with the donors where our efforts for regional capacity development coincide and will bilaterally follow up with the aim to implement the program as effectively as possible.
At the meeting we also focused on practical aspects of our collaboration and learning innovations that we introduced since the last meeting: CEF online learning campus, webinars, digital storytelling, renovation of the CEF lobby and the importance of physical design of learning environment.
This October we are celebrating 15 years of our successful operation. To celebrate this event together with our partners we used the opportunity of the meeting of CEF coordinators and the Advisory Board and organized a reception. State secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Darja Bavdaž Kuret and state secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Irena Sodin gave keynote addresses on the occasion. CEF Director, Mira Dobovišek emphasized that she is proud of the achievements of the organization and numerous participants that attended the CEF learning events in all these years. The number of participants today in comparison with the year of its establishment grew for ten times.
For more information about the meetings see digital story about the event here.