Feb 20, 2018

IMF releases country reports in 2018

International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently released several reports for the countries from South East Europe.

A country report for Croatia (No. 18/5) states that the near-term growth prospects are favorable, supported by strong tourism and private consumption, and a significantly improved fiscal position and external environment. The economy is operating close to potential. Growth is expected to decelerate if enduring structural constraints are not addressed. The largest private company, Agrokor, has been facing a financial crisis and put under caretaker management. The impact of this crisis on the economy has been contained thus far. Risks to the outlook are two sided, with downside risks dominating over the medium term. The pace of structural reform implementation has been slow and additional delays constitute a downside risk. Read the report here.

A country report for Kosovo (No. 18/30) shows that Kosovo made significant progress since the 2015 Article IV consultation in ensuring fiscal discipline, strengthening the financial sector, and enhancing growth. Notwithstanding this progress, important structural challenges remain. Weak external competitiveness, high informality, low labor force participation and high unemployment, particularly among young workers, and a large infrastructure gap continue to constrain Kosovo’s growth potential. The report can be found here.

A country report for Bosnia and Hercegovina (No. 18/39), published on February 13, 2018 summarizes how macroeconomic conditions in BiH are stable but growth has been insufficient for lowering unemployment and achieving income convergence. It says that internal and external imbalances have been lowered in recent years. Economic activity has begun recovering with the turnaround in Europe and is expected to pick up further over the medium term, driven by public infrastructure investment and implementation of structural reforms. Read full report here and learn what maintaining economic and financial stability includes.

All IMF country reports from 2018 and older can be found here.