IMF and CEF: Partnering that Creates Synergies
The IMF and the CEF have been joining forces in addressing South East Europe’s capacity development challenges since 2001 when the CEF was established. The CEF currently hosts two IMF Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) technical assistance advisors, covering public financial management and revenue administration, and an IMF Statistics Department (STA) technical assistance advisor, covering government finance statistics. On April 5, 2017 the IMF and the CEF signed a Memorandum of Understanding to reinforce our partnership that builds on a long history of effective collaboration.
Our organizations’ efforts in the region are complementary and mutually reinforcing. IMF technical assistance (TA) missions help recognize needs for learning and knowledge sharing among practitioners. The CEF designs workshops that address these needs, bringing together peer institutions and experts from the region and beyond. IMF regional advisors contribute to many learning initiatives at the CEF with content that is strongly informed by their TA missions.
Unique synergies in our work have contributed to a steady rise in our constituency’s demand for help with capacity development. Excellent cooperation with the IMF and its advisors promotes sustainable capacity development in South East Europe. We expect to continue hearing from finance officials from the region about the positive results.
FAD advisors are funded by the EU program Strengthening Economic Governance in PFM in six pre-accession countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The STA advisor who joined the CEF in September 2016 is financed by Switzerland State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. Offices and administrative support at the CEF is an in-kind contribution from the Slovenian Government through the CEF.
We are pleased to inform that Memorandum of Understanding between the IMF and the CEF was signed at the IMF’s headquarters in Washington, DC. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Deputy Managing Director Carla Grasso on behalf of the IMF and Director Mira Dobovišek on behalf of the CEF.