Financial Officials to Strengthen Capacities for Efficient Delivery of Their Financial Management Functions
Next week's (March 21–23) workshop on Enabling Finance Officials as Trainers and Learning Facilitators will help establish effective coordination and knowledge sharing among financial officials from ministries of finance and line ministries. To achieve well-functioning macrofiscal frameworks in every country, sound technical knowledge and the ability to develop confidence, create a trusting environment, communicate effectively, and share knowledge are needed.
This Training-of-Trainers workshop will give experts a frame of reference for understanding how learning works and inspire them to design and deliver knowledge sharing (training and learning) activities. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their skills for developing confidence and capability to give engaging lectures.
The workshop will be highly interactive. Participants will be encouraged to share their experience, recognize and encompass different perspectives, and work in teams. They will be engaged in context-driven, real-life activities and collectively reflect on their performance and come away with “lessons learned”.
The project beneficiaries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
This learning initiative is part of the ’’Strengthening Financial Management Functions of Line Ministries’’ project funded through the Strengthening Accountability and the Fiduciary Environment Trust Fund (SAFE). It is a Trust Fund program administered by the World Bank and was established by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the European Commission with the aim of improving public financial management in the Europe and Central Asia region.