Evolving Our Coaching and Mentoring Culture at the CEF- Part I

November 12, 2024 by Cvetka Mozoli , Jana Repanšek

At the CEF, our mission is clear: to support finance professionals in the public sector across South East Europe, from Slovenia to Türkiye in the south and Moldova in the east. Our primary focus is on the finance ministries, central banks, and tax administrations. We aim to inspire and equip these individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for implementing reforms and driving change. Our passion lies in people - those we work with and serve - fostering a culture of learning and knowledge sharing at individual, team, and institutional levels. This commitment helps us contribute to the development of learning institutions and, ultimately, the success of countries in South East Europe.

The essence of a coaching and mentoring culture

Definition: A coaching and mentoring culture defines the predominant leadership style and working together. It is where both approaches, coaching and mentoring, foster a commitment to organizational development alongside a parallel commitment to nurturing individual potential.

Purpose and benefits:

Flexibility and adaptability: Organizations need to be flexible and adaptable to survive. Coaching and mentoring foster this by challenging processes, behaviors, and assumptions. They provide personalized guidance and support to employees, enabling them to navigate change and uncertainty more effectively, thereby enhancing the organization's agility where experimentation and learning are encouraged.

Knowledge transfer and innovation: Through mentorship and coaching relationships, employees can share their expertise and insights among themselves, as well as with newer members and our institutional partners, facilitating the transfer of critical knowledge and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation across all facets of the organization.

Effective talent development: By recognizing and developing talent internally and externally through coaching and mentoring programs, organizations can also identify and develop future leaders, ensuring a smooth transition of key roles and responsibilities. This helps organizations maintain continuity in leadership, minimize disruptions, and ensure long-term success and sustainability.


Reduced talent turnover: Investing in the development of employees demonstrates organizations' commitment to their workforce, potentially increasing employee loyalty and reducing turnover rates. Furthermore, the support offered through coaching and mentoring relationships can assist employees in overcoming career challenges and obstacles, resulting in enhanced job satisfaction and retention.

Employee engagement and performance: By establishing meaningful connections and providing personalized development opportunities, coaching and mentoring programs can improve employee engagement, commitment, and performance at both individual and team levels. Employees feel valued and supported, leading to higher levels of engagement and performance, as well as increased motivation, satisfaction, and productivity.

Diversity and equal opportunities: These approaches are effective in promoting diversity and equal opportunity within organizations. Coaching and mentoring relationships can provide support and guidance to employees from diverse backgrounds, helping them overcome organizational barriers and advance in their careers. Additionally, mentors and coaches can raise awareness of unconscious biases and encourage inclusive practices within the organization, creating a more diverse and equitable workplace culture.

Characteristics of a successful coaching and mentoring culture:

• People value self-development and the growth of others.

• Time for reflection is considered essential, leading to better alignment of activities with business priorities.

• Coaching becomes an integral part of how things are done, with top management acting as role models for coaching and mentoring behaviors.

A coaching and mentoring culture fosters growth, adaptability, and excellence within organizations, benefiting individuals and contributing to collective success.

End of Part I, read PART II explaining "The journey to a coaching and mentoring culture at the CEF".