Jun 10, 2020

Insights into the Lives of Public Finance Officials in SEE during Covid-19

In light of the recent disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we launched a survey and conducted interviews with CEF Coordinators, human resource professionals, to understand what challenges public finance officials across South East Europe (SEE) and their institutions are currently facing and how the CEF can be of a support to our constituency.

According to the survey results most institutions in the region were able with certain adjustments to undisruptedly work remotely during the lock down although some did point out that sometimes not being able to talk in person significantly extended the time and effort to resolve a particular issue. They pointed to the critical value of face-to-face interactions in terms of the effect they have on the efficiency. Access to data and other relevant information to perform work together with technical issues related to the security when installing needed programs were in their views another two challenges where their resourcefulness came to play.

Nevertheless, the positive outcome of this situation was a great team spirit and officials displaying flexible and adaptive attitudes to changes. As Ms. Pregl from Bank of Slovenia puts it: “Most of us accepted new technological possibilities for our work to be done that had seemed impossible few months ago. We use old tools in a new creative way.”

This positive attitude was reflected also in officials’ high interest in continuing learning even if it could not happen in person. We were happy to receive feedback whereby officials regarded attending our online courses and webinars as positive learning experiences. When asked what can CEF do to help to effectively function in this new situation, Ms. Snežana Ilić from Serbian Tax Administration shared the appreciation for CEF online activities by saying: “CEF is already helping us with online courses which are now easily accessed not only for one or two participants.” Or as Ms. Aleksandra Kacarski, National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia remarked: “The CEF team should continue with on-line events (webinars, workshops, seminars, forums, courses etc.) to enable people to continue with their vocational education.”

For further insights into reflections from CEF coordinators, please visit digital story “Corona time stories from your surroundings”.