Coming up: learn4dev Annual Meeting on Innovations in Learning for Development
Jana Repanšek, CEF deputy director is currently chairing the learn4dev network that is in preparations for its annual meeting to be held on June 6-7, 2017 in Brussels. The meeting on Innovations in Learning for Development will be co-organized by Belgian Development Agency (BTC) and the World Bank Open Learning Campus. It will be held back-to-back with the European Development Days (EDD) where the network will present itself at the report lab.
On April 25-27 the core group of the network held its meeting at Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). The meeting had strong representation of learn4dev member organizations. Representatives of BTC, CEF, Department for International Development (DFID), EC DG DEVCO, GIZ Global Leadership Academy, and International Training Centre of the ILO attended the meeting where the main topic were preparations for the network`s annual meeting on Innovations, Learning and Development and looking into the future of the functioning of the network. See highlights from the meeting at learn4dev twitter account.
The CEF is active member of the network`s Knowledge Management / Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Learning expert groups and co-chair of the Public Financial Management Expert group together with Slovak Ministry of Finance. We are also covering network’s communication activities together with Belgian Development Agency (BTC).