Danube Region Capacity Development Platform (D-CAP) Workshop

Jun 7 – 8, 2016 Ljubljana, Slovenia No Fee


Reducing institutional capacity and public service related problems in the Danube Region is one of the actions that the Priority Area 10 (PA 10) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) has been tasked to tackle. This action aims at improving the quality of public service and optimizes governance mechanisms for international cooperation and is a primary focus of the capacity development platform (D-CAP) of the PA 10.

Besides promoting excellence in Danube region public administrations at all levels, the D-CAP activities also center on capacity development by facilitating exchange of knowledge and best practices, as well as identifying synergies and new projects that could be mutually developed by D-CAP stakeholders.

In 2015, D-CAP activities included meeting of the advisory committee, conference Reinforcing e-governance in the Danube region, and contribution to the workshops at the 4th EUSDR Annual Forum in Ulm. In 2016, we delivered a workshop on IPA II Novelties in February, and in May a workshop on Writing Strategic Documents, and Audit IPA II in November. In cooperation with partners, a conference on Public Governance as the Foundation of European Integration was held in Vienna.

In line with the diversity of D-CAP stakeholders and responding to capacity development challenges in implementing the EUSDR on all levels of governance, the attention of this event was put on the decision-making as essential leadership skill.  


The main aim was to give you an understanding of leadership models; the importance of developing, maintaining and using relationships (both internal and external) to provide effective leadership at the political, organizational and wider community levels along with factors that affect decision-making.

How you benefited?

You by the end of this workshop:

  • Understood how you prefer to relate to others and how they approach decision-making.
  • Appreciated your own approach to leadership, your sources of power and how you can influence others.
  • Had an understanding of models of decision-making including Game Theory and how it relates to working with others.
  • Had an opportunity to share experiences and to have discussed how to apply this learning to their leadership challenges.

Target Audience

  • Members of the advisory committee of the EUSDR PA 10 capacity development platform (D-CAP) od PA10, i.e.  representatives of ministries in charge of public administration, regional/local administrations, public administration academies and training institutions, faculties of public administration, networks of public administrations and other stakeholders interested in collaboration and exchange of practices related to public service.
  • PA10 Steering Group members.
  • Other interested decision-makers within the EUSDR governance and other stakeholders active in capacity development initiatives.

Photo impressions of this workshop are available here.

Experts / Faculty

Brandan McCarron

is an experienced, internationally recognized, management consultant who works with public sector and private sector organizations across Europe, the Far and Middle East, Africa and the USA.

His recent assignments include: the UK Government, running leadership workshops for Senior Civil Service Senior Responsible Officers (SRO’s) on large projects; for the Scottish Government on outcome-management; for a large international engineering group on innovation planning; as well as running workshops on change, Project Cycle Management for the Center for Excellence in Finance in Slovenia.

He is a senior associate with the Chartered Institution of Finance and Accountancy and a former Honorary Senior Fellow University of Birmingham School of Government and Politics (INLOGOV).

Ian Briggs

is an experienced academic and consultant with a long history of working at the strategic level across the public sector in the UK and internationally.

He is a former Senior Fellow of the University of Birmingham and he co-led the team that carried out the largest ever study of leadership in the UK which resulted in the development of the Transformational Leadership Questionnaire. Amongst Ian’s key areas of expertise is the design and delivery of advanced leadership interventions for elected politicians, senior strategic managers and professionals.

He has undertaken assignments within the UK and abroad at the highest political level including working with national governments in the Far East, Africa and elsewhere on matters of national policy and constitutional related issues. He has also consulted widely in the area of commercial development of public services and strategic commissioning.

He is the Chairman of Acovico which is the UK’s largest local authority owned company which operates in the area of facilities management and is also the elected chairman of his local Parish Council.

About the EUSDR PA 10 

Together with the City of Vienna, the CEF is coordinating the Priority Area 10 for institutional capacity and cooperation of the EU Strategy for the Danube region. We are addressing a wide area of challenges related to public administrations, financing, urban agenda and involvement of civil society. Read more


This project is co-financed by the European Union.

Danube strategy European Union