CEF Wrapped up its Coordinating Role in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
We successfully concluded our role as a coordinator of the priority area 10 (PA 10) for institutional capacity and cooperation within the EU Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR). Since 2011 when the EUSDR was launched, we functioned as a co-coordinator of PA 10 with the City of Vienna, and were recognized as one of the most active and productive priority areas. In 2017, our role was taken over by the Center for European Perspective (CEP), providing a fresh insight and actions that will continue our fruitful work.
EUSDR aims to boost development by seeking synergies and coordination among policies and initiatives across the countries of Danube region. Our work focused on challenges of institutional capacity and the public service, better coordination of funding, and collaboration among cities and citizens in the region. We acted as a capacity development platform, providing participatory learning events (workshops) and shared our experience among Danube countries.
In the last five years, we organized 23 learning and networking events for more than 700 participants. Results are encouraging as participants found value in them and activities were visible to public. In this respect, Slovenia was an important player in the Danube region according to Slovenian National Coordinator for EU macro-regional strategies, Ms. Andreja Jerina:
“From the EUSDR initial steps Slovenia was promoting EU macroregional strategies as a valuable "EU enlargement" tool as EU and non-EU states work together in joint, EU aquis harmonised projects and actions. After five years of its implementation EUSDR Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation jointly coordinated by Slovenia - Center of Excellence in Finance and Austria - City of Vienna proved to be indispensable part of the Strategy. As pointed out during the first annual Forum of the EU Strategy for Adriatic and Ionian Region in Dubrovnik in 2016, also other macroregional strategies should build on experience and know-how developed with the EUSDR PA 10 and benefit from spillover effects PA 10 is having in wider region and on enlargement process. Joint projects and actions help to raise the awareness that every individual, institution and organisation can contribute to a better and more meaningful life. However, only together can we change our way of thinking and acting, and make a leap forward. To do that, institutional capacity for cooperation is a prerequisite and the EUSDR PA 10 the solution.”
Even though not in the role of EUSDR priority area coordinator, we continue to remain committed to capacity development in the Danube region through implementing our program and mission in the field of public financial management and central banking for our constituency in South East Europe.
More on EUSDR.