Nov 14, 2017

CEF 2018 Learning Program for Finance Officials

We are pleased to share that the 2018 CEF learning program catalog has been published. Our 2018 learning program includes 45 learning events covering the thematic areas of public financial management, tax policy and administration, central banking and a cross-cutting area of leadership for managing reforms. Majority of 2018 learning events will take place at the CEF premises in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In addition, we will be engaged in project activities in Montenegro, Serbia and Egypt. We are confident that you will find the 2018 offerings useful to your daily work. We invite you to browse through the learning program catalog.

Our learning events from the area of leadership for managing reforms will be aiming at strengthening trust and cooperation among institutions, reinforcing leadership and management capacities of officials to promote change, and enabling them to facilitate learning and knowledge sharing. We will also address learning needs across the communication spectrum.

Budget preparation and execution learning program will target systemic bottlenecks to the introduction of advanced public financial management reforms while also acknowledging existing fiscal developments and institutional capacities in the SEE countries. A significant part of the program will be oriented towards targeting selected sector-specific fiscal issues, as well as implications of public financial management reforms to managing health care policies.

Accounting and auditing learning program will address the cross-cutting nature of audit and accounting work within broader public financial management reforms that support internal and external accountability, transparency and good governance in public sector institutions. We will maintain the focus on strengthening public internal financial control, external accountability mechanisms, and the priority issues in reforming national accounting and financial reporting systems to accrual accounting requirements. We will also continue to implement certification training for public sector accountants in Montenegro and Serbia as well as certification training for public sector auditors in Montenegro.

Tax policy and administration learning program will support improved management of core tax administration procedures, enhanced performance management and improved cooperation among tax administrations across borders. More specifically, we will support efforts to increase tax collection capacity, voluntary compliance, and improve taxpayers’ services, audit IT management systems, tackle identification, investigation and prosecution of tax fraud and tax avoidance.

Central banking learning program will focus on central bank governance and organizational aspects, addressing strategic human resource management to support institutional processes. We will bring together experts on banking supervision for strengthening the health of the banking sector and resolution of non-performing loans. We will address coordination requirements needed to enhance financial stability of capital markets and payment systems from two angles: how they support financial market development and monetary policy operations. In addition, we will look into challenges and experiences linked to data compilation.

If you wish to receive a printed copy of the CEF 2018 Learning Program, please send your request to