Broader Knowledge Helped Improve the Fraud Register
We asked Alexandru Lungu and Ion Morari from the Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of Moldova to share with us their impressions about the impact of our learning initiatives on their work. This story coincides with the Month of Accounting and Auditing initiative at the CEF in April.
We have attended various learning initiatives at the CEF in the last couple of years but we would like to talk about the workshop on Tackling Fraud and Corruption that we both attended in November 2016. It broadened our horizon of corruption and detecting red flags or warning signs of fraud, although we were aware of some of the issues, as we come across them everyday at work.
After returning to the ministry, we shared the information from the workshop with colleagues. We used this knowledge of good practices in improving our register by including the risk of fraud and corruption, and the internal activity plan of recommendations on tackling fraud, which is part of our approach to financial management and control.
What we generally appreciate about the CEF learning initiatives is the opportunity to share knowledge with other participants and listen to their presentations. This gives us insight about the good practices in other countries, especially as regards information about the assessment risk and prioritization of fraud risk. We apply new knowledge in our work, and we try to realize it in practice.
Alexandru Lungu and Ion Morari
Internal Audit Department
Ministry of Finance, Moldova