Change Management and Decision Making

Oct 11 – 13, 2023 Moldova No Fee
Oct 1, 2023 Leadership for Managing Reforms

About this learning event

This workshop will equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage organizational change. The overall aim is to help the institution on its path of becoming a learning organization so that it experiences a smooth transition, reduced resistance, and enhanced employee engagement.

The learning objectives include:

  • Understanding change dynamics
  • Developing change strategies
  • Enhancing change communication
  • Cultivating change leadership skills
  • Implementing change initiatives
  • Sustaining change efforts
  • Understanding decision making in transformational contexts: styles and criteria for decision-making, common challenges and pitfalls associated with decision-making during change

Participants will gain understanding of change management concepts, models, and best practices. They will learn how to assess change readiness, address resistance, and engage stakeholders effectively. Participants will also learn how to plan, communicate and implement change initiatives.

By attending the workshop, participants will gain practical tools and techniques to navigate the complexities of organizational change. The event will empower them to confidently lead their teams through change, inspire others, and drive positive outcomes in their respective units.

Who should attend

This is an internal event specifically designed for unit leaders from the National Bank of Moldova.


The learning event will be delivered by:

  • Sandra Jitianu, Management Consultant, Ideograf, Romania

Sandra is a management consultant, trainer and performance coach with functional expertise in change management and human resources. Sandra has 15+ years' experience delivering transformation projects to over 50 clients ranging from large international companies to local companies and entrepreneurs in industries like financial services, IT and engineering, professional services, manufacturing, utilities and retail. She delivered consulting engagements and training in Romania, the Rep. of Moldova, Spain, Germany and Switzerland.  Sandra holds an executive MBA from CEU Business School.

  • Stéphane Gourdet, Head of Sector, IBFI, Banque de France

Stéphane recently joined the International Banking and Finance Institute (IBFI) team. He was recruited by the Banque de France 25+ years ago and has worked in different areas (IT projects, human resources, all lines of work of the Banque de France network: management control, risk management, financial inclusion, corporate credit risk assessment, cash circulation, safety and security…), all of them including a change management component, before getting specialized in financial education and external cooperation. Before joining Banque de France, he first received a master degree in Mathematics from Provence University.

Practical information

The duration of the workshop is 1.5 days with working days between 9 am and 5 pm. Two groups will participate in this workshop.


This event is delivered as part of the National Bank of Moldova–Institutional Transformation into a Learning Organization (NBM LearnOrgLab) project implemented by the CEF and supported by:

Slovenia's Development Cooperation Ministry of Finance Slovenia Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands
Banque de France