Integrity in the Implementation of Structural Reforms
This online course will explore the safety nets and risks to reform implementation related to anti-corruption and fraud approaches.
About this learning event
We will simulate an EU-awarded, interactive game exercise that will encourage and motivate participants to develop their ability to recognize the red flags of fraud and corruption by being more attentive and responsive to hints from the environment. It will equip the participants with the tools how to react to indecent proposals. The experience will be connected to real cases of preparation and implementation of structural reforms through a facilitated knowledge-sharing debate.
How will you benefit
This will be a unique event toward the techniques of how to be successful on fighting fraud and corruption. The participants will be acquainted with a new way of thinking and innovative tools. The exercise game will be played in groups and individually and everyone will deepen their knowledge in open source, intelligence and research database tools, data analytics and — what is more important — lifelike exercises and cases.
By the end of the course, participants will have:
- Learned about new concepts and tools about transparence and accountability
- Discovered how to reduce the red tape by innovation in fighting fraud and corruption
- Understand the importance of integrity and professional behavior
Participation information
This course will be delivered online on June 17 — 18 from 10:00 — 15:00 CEST. Participants will also meet at the kick-off webinar on June 16 at 10:00 CEST to receive the necessary information for the interactive game exercise.
Participation is required at all times.
Registered participants are invited to mark below dates and timeslots of our sessions to their work calendars.

Who should attend
Officials from ministries of finance and line ministries (and other budget beneficiaries) who are engaged in preparation, design and implementation of structural reforms and other measures undertaken by governments.
Jo Kremers, Certified Financial Auditor, Certified IT Auditor and Fraud Investigator
Mr. Kremers has many years of experience in auditing and combating fraud and corruption built up during his career as senior audit manager at the Dutch Audit Authority for European Union Structural and Investment Funds, financial & IT audits and helpdesk for Fighting Fraud and Corruption in EU Funds, financial auditor, IT auditor and fraud investigator at the Central Audit Services of the Dutch Ministry of Finance and other institutions. He has also contributed as lecturer, expert and consultant in Risk Management, Combating Fraud and Corruption, Control and Audit of EU Funds at the National Academy for Finance and Economics (Rijksacademie) which is the training institute of the Ministry of Finance in the Netherlands, the International Anti-Corruption Academy, IACA in Laxemburg,Vienna and European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).
He is a developer and owner of the anti-fraud and corruption games and trainings:
- The Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game Basics
- The Edition 2018 awarded by the European Commission as a Good Practice in Combating Fraud and Corruption
- The Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game, Advanced Level Training 2020
- The Anti-Fraud and Corruption On-the-Spot training in the Netherlands 2019
This event is delivered as part of the EU funded multi-country project “Strengthening Line Ministries’ Capacities to Assess Fiscal Implications of Structural Reforms” implemented by the Center of Excellence in Finance.
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