Launch of the ERP 2021-2023 (By Invitation)

Sep 15 – 16, 2020 CEF Online Learning Campus No Fee
Sep 11, 2020 Leadership for Managing Reforms

The 2021-2023 ERP launch event will provide key officials with an overview of the latest changes in the guidance note and will give an opportunity to review with the Commission and peers from EU candidate countries and potential candidates the latest progress made and lessons learned in preparing and implementing the ERPs. This year the event will also address the reinforced link between the ERP and the IPA programming.

The Regional Meeting will be co-hosted by the European Commission (DG NEAR, ECFIN, EMPL) and the CEF. It aims to kick off the ERP 2021-2023 process by (1) presenting the new Guidance note for the preparation of the ERPs, (2) strengthening the links between the ERP and IPA Programming, and (3) giving more hands-on guidance on challenging aspects, in particular the costing of reforms. In light of Covid-19 travel restrictions, the meeting will be organized virtually over 1.5 days through a series of online meetings.

Participants at the meeting will include coordinators of the ERP preparation and IPA programming respectively, and representatives from respective EC directorates (DG NEAR, ECFIN, EMPL) and EU Delegation Offices.

The meeting will be delivered as part of the CEF’s EU-funded project Strengthening Line Ministries’ Capacities to Assess Fiscal Implications of Structural Reforms (FISR).


This learning initiative was supported by:

Funded by the European Union