Internal Auditing for Non-Auditors

Sep 24 – 26, 2019 Ljubljana, Slovenia No Fee
Sep 13, 2019 Auditing

What it was about

The primary aim of the public internal control (PIC) system is to provide reasonable assurance as to achievement of organizational objectives in public sector entities of the organization. Although internal auditors are often considered the ones taking the front lead in promoting PIC systems, it is primarily the responsibility of the top management within an organization to bring about functional PIC systems. This initiative focused on PIC in the public sector and aimed to raise awareness of managerial staff other than internal auditors on their role and responsibilities within the internal control system. The initiative aimed to raise awareness of the internal audit (IA) function as a management tool in obtaining assurance about the functioning of the internal control system and recommendations vis-à-vis its improvement.

In this regard this course was designed to provide insights into:

  • roles and responsibilities in PIC according to the “three lines of defense” model
  • ways of properly positioning the IA function within the PIC concept in relation to top/middle management and operational staff
  • the factors perceived to be necessary to ensure effectiveness of the IA function
  • the role of IA as a managerial tool for improving the performance of the public-sector organization
  • the stages of IA process (strategic planning, engagement planning, engagement, reporting, follow-up)
  • the opportunities for better cooperation and coordination with internal auditor during the stages of internal auditing process

What were the benefits

The event was designed as a combination of comprehensive subject-matter presentations, followed by a number of hands-on exercises built in to maximize peer learning. These gave participants a chance to complete assignments together in teams with colleagues from different countries and further illustrated the important implications of discussed subject matters for participants’ own working practices.

By the end of the course, participants have:

  • gained a better understanding on the position of the IA function within the PIC system which in turn will allow them to make the distinction between the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders for functioning internal control systems.
  • discussed how internal audit activity adds value to an organization in the context of its governance, internal controls and risk management arrangements
  • elaborated on what is and what is not the role of the IA function in risk management
  • looked into ways strengthen cooperation with the internal auditor during the stages of IA process (strategic planning, engagement planning, engagement, reporting, follow-up)

Target audience

The workshop has been primarily designed for mid to senior level officials from Central Harmonization Units (CHUs) of ministries of finance. It will be also of interest to senior public-sector managers with an interest in internal control systems and those who are responsible for managing activities.

Participants are expected to take an active part in the workshop activities. The success of the workshop is directly dependent on the participants’ active engagement in the discussions and group work.

In view of the interactive nature of the event, it will be helpful if participants have a good command of the English language as there are no interpretation services planned.


The learning initiative was delivered under the guidance of:

  •  Leo Stoffels and Henk Geilen, Ministry of finance, the Netherlands   


This learning initiative was supported by:

Ministry of Finance Slovenia Slovenia's Development Cooperation Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands