Fostering Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) through Cooperation
After the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Plan for Financing for Development, the DRM has been recognized as central for sustainable growth, poverty reduction and provision of public goods needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This online course aims at improving cooperation between different government bodies to ensure country commitment for mobilizing domestic revenues.
What will you learn
Participants will discuss how the concept of DRM fits into the macro picture of public finances (revenue, expenditure, debt). Furthermore, they will debate the options for tax reforms for collecting higher revenues – different taxes, tax rates, tax base, tax exemptions, tax collection. Special focus will be given to specifics of countries in Eastern Europe.
The second part will focus on characteristics of international cooperation within DRM framework. Moreover, participants will identify possibilities of data-sharing to improve their different systems and avoid that citizens have to deliver the same basic information to various government bodies.
The last part will be devoted to sharing the real technical and policy cases from the Netherlands.
Online course will consist of three thematic parts — each will consist of a webinar and a quiz for participants. The quiz results will be the basis for the follow-up meeting, where learning needs of participants will be addressed.
Who should attend
This online course is designed for public finance officials interested in deepening their knowledge of tax and revenue issues in the context of development cooperation.
- Udo Pijpker, Tax and Custom Administration, the Netherlands
- Stefan Schmidt, Tax and Custom Administration, the Netherlands
- Branimir Jovanović, professor of economics, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Ana Rodriguez Calderon, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
This learning initiative was supported by: