Tips for Better Economic Policy Analysis Reporting

Mar 24, 2020 , Ljubljana, Slovenia Webinar
Mar 23, 2020

The main goal of this webinar is to support analysts and researchers with tips to strengthen the quality of policy-related economic analysis reports and communication. It aims to provide practical advice on how to present economic data in a meaningful and concise written form.

How will you benefit?

Experts from two economic research institutes - the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD), Slovenia and the Directorate for Economic Planning (DEP), Bosnia and Herzegovina - will explain how to effectively present the outcomes of economic analyses.

Through examples they will explain what should be taken into consideration when preparing reports on outcomes of analysis of economic data. They will also discuss challenges when setting the indicators related to monitoring strategy goals, availability and quality of data, and other questions. They will particularly focus on how to present data in a meaningful and concise written form and how to address visibility of policy recommendations.

The webinar will be participatory and interactive. Participants will be encouraged to share their national experiences, good practices and challenges.

Who should attend?

The webinar is intended for officials from (research) institutes, ministries of finance, central banks and statistical offices who would benefit from gaining new insights on how to communicate outcomes of economic analysis to policy decision makers.

Practical information

Please submit your application no later than March 23. Go to CEF Online Learning Campus, register and click ''Enroll'' button under the chosen webinar.

The webinar will be delivered on March 24 from 10:00 - 11:30 in English. No translation will be provided.


Matevž Hribernik, Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD), Slovenia.

IMAD is an independent government office that monitors and analyses economic, social and environmental trends and development, achieving of Slovenia’s development objectives and prepares macroeconomic forecasts for budgetary planning and formulating economic policy measures.

Mr. Hribernik will share experience using the example of the Slovenian National Development Strategy. The Development Report is a document monitoring its implementation.

Osman Crnica, Directorate for Economic Planning (DEP), Economic Policy Research, Bosnia and Herzegovina

DEP is a permanent body responsible for planning the  development policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It serves as an advisory body in the field of socio-economic development to the Council of Ministers. DEP coordinates the development of socio-economic studies, especially those needed to accelerate integration with the EU, monitoring and implementation of the medium and long-term development strategies and the development of annual, mid-term and long-term macroeconomic analysis and projections at the state level.

Mr. Crnica will share experience using the example of the DEP’s quarterly report (Q3-2019) on recent developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He will focus on presenting the real sector developments (GDP decomposition, growth accounting, industrial production, construction sector, prices CPI and GDP deflator, labor markets), and monetary, fiscal and external sector developments.


This learning initiative is supported by the Bank of Slovenia and delivered in cooperation with IMAD, Slovenia and DEP, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bank of Slovenia Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development