Using PEFA to support PFM improvement
A growing number of countries are looking for ways to use Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) findings to improve their PFM systems. This is why PEFA has designed a guidance to support countries using PEFA for public financial management (PFM) improvements. The overall learning objective of this learning event is to discuss how PEFA assessments and reports can be used in the region to support PFM improvements, and also help consider readiness of PFM systems during crisis which is very relevant in the context of Covid-19 implications on PFM systems.
What will you learn
This learning initiative aims to support implementation of PFM improvements in SEE by using PEFA reports for facilitating dialogue, prioritizing, sequencing and implementation of PFM improvement. We will in particular highlight how to use assessments to accelerate stakeholder dialogues in the design, implementation and monitoring of reforms, and how to secure multi-stakeholder engagement to anchor the process. The event will promote the principle of “one size does not fit all” in carrying out PFM improvements.
Participants of this webinar will be able to learn and discuss the following:
- Why PEFA Handbook Volume IV: Using PEFA to Support Public Financial Management Improvement?
- PEFA reports as a means to support PFM improvement
- Stages of preparing and implementing PFM improvement
- Facilitating a dialogue with stakeholder in designing, sequencing, and implementing PFM improvements
- Use of PEFA reports to assess the readiness of PFM Systems to respond to COVID-19 challenge
This learning initiative will be delivered in English, and highly participatory. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and country practices.
Who should attend
This webinar is designed for officials from ministries of finance, independent fiscal institutions and other government bodies and local governments involved in the design, coordination and implementation of PFM reforms, as well as in carrying out PEFA assessments.
Helena Ramos
Senior Public Sector specialist with over 20 years of work experience in public financial management (PFM), in both government and international organizations. Extensive working experience with all phases of the PFM cycle, conceptually and in a diagnostic and advisory role. Her concentrations are in national-level budget planning, transparency of public finance, execution and monitoring; and PFM system diagnostics and remedial action plan development.
Experience in handling policy dialogue, with high-level PFM issues and direct client support. Prior to joining the PEFA Secretariat in 2009, Helena worked extensively in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and Central Asia.
Antonio Leonardo Blasco
Senior Financial Management Specialist form the Governance Global Practice of the World Bank. Professional experience in international, multi-cultural contexts with over 15-year experience in public financial management and public sector reform, with emphasis on financial management, control (external and internal audit), governance, transparency and public services delivery.
Experience as team leader and team member of several analytical tasks as Regional Studies, Public Expenditures Reviews, CFAAs, PEFAs, and Institutional Governance Reports. Provided Technical Assistance (TA) in a range of topics from External and Internal Audit, Public Accounting, Program Budgeting, Commitment Control, among others and multi-sectoral projects.
Practical information
This webinar is free to join. Please feel free to bring this webinar under the attention also to your colleagues who may find the discussion particularly timely and useful!
When: September 24, 2020, at 14:00 CEST - the webinar session will open 20 minutes before the official start
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: From the convenience of your own computer at the CEF Online Learning Campus (
This learning initiative was supported by: