Financial Accounting (by Invitation Only)

Sep 24 – Dec 1, 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia No Fee

Financial Accounting module ispart of the certification training project for accountants in public sector of North Macedonia. Syllabus is designed by CIPFA and project is implemented by the CEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of North Macedonia.

About this learning event

As part of the Public Accountants Certification Training (PACT), certificate level, students get structured learning opportunities (tutorials plus exams) to deepen their knowledge of a range of key concepts and methods relevant for accountants. The Financial Accounting (FA) module sets out the purpose of financial accounting, the needs of the users of accounting information, and the general regulatory framework. The students are then taken through the main processes involved in financial accounting, from using ledgers to record transactions, through the use of control procedures, to the final result of preparing complete financial statements in standard formats. 

It is the first time we are implementing online training for Financial Accounting module, that will be delivered from September until November,  followed by examination sitting in December 2020 and re-sit exam in 2021. Participants, who successfully finish all PACT exams will be awarded with internationally recognized CIPFA certificate. 

Who should attend

In-class training and exams are available for accountants who work in public sector of North Macedonia and are enrolled in the certification training project. 

Faculty (tutors)

The training is delivered by a team of five experts (tutors) from North Macedonia:

Atanasko Atanasovski, Associate Professor at University of St Kiril and Metodij, Faculty of Economics, Skopje 

Aleksandar Naumoski, Associate Professor at University of St Kiril and Metodij, Faculty of Economics, Skopje 

Aleksandra Dimovska, Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia

Marina Joveska Blazheska, Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia

Boban Paunov, Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia



PACT project is financially supported by the Ministry of Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Slovenia's International Development Cooperation. The Ministry of Finance of North Macedonia and the CEF provide in-kind support to the project.

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Slovenia Slovenia's Development Cooperation Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia