Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Promoting the Use of Best Practices in International Tax Auditing

May 16, 2013


To strengthen beneficiary institutions’ capacity in auditing multinational enterprises (MNE), the CEF has partnered with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for a number of years. The very positive outcome of this cooperation has been well attended and received training events, which address the increasingly complex principles of international taxation.

Specific international audit issues that are of particular concern when dealing with cross-border transactions remain a priority on the working agenda of the tax administrations across the south east Europe (SEE), as many SEE economies have recently opened up or are in the process of opening up, attracting large amounts of foreign direct investment from MNEs. In this context the way that tax authorities deal with MNEs is of fundamental importance.

To respond to this emerging need, the CEF and the OECD are jointly running a course “Advanced Auditing of Multinational Enterprises”, which has a twofold purpose. First, to examine the features and tax treatment of MNEs, the specific international taxation issues they raise, the compliance issues they face and the planning opportunities that are peculiar to these types of entities; and second, to examine and share the best approaches in dealing with MNEs.

This year the course is scheduled for July 8–12, 2013.

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