Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Enabling Environment for Capacity Building in Medium-term Policy Design (CEF Coordinators’ Meeting)

Dec 13, 2010
Skopje, Macedonia

Enabling Environment for Capacity Building in Medium-term Policy Design

The annual CEF coordinators’ meeting addressed enabling environment for capacity building in medium-term policy design, a topic strongly linked to the development of the BCPDI program. The CEF governance structure enables its capacity building program to be highly demand driven which is reflected in regular exchanges with the CEF coordinators.

The Skopje-meeting discussed in particular the three pillars of envisaged BCPDI provisions: specialized training, the encouragement of knowledge sharing and research, and the provision of technical assistance. Accordingly, participants outlined who is responsible for which tasks in policy making and implementation and what was the role of a CEF Coordinator. They discussed the definition of an enabling environment for policy making and the broader development of talents and concluded that an effective organizational structure, a merit based reward system and an independent evaluation of capacity were actions needed to create an enabling environment.

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