Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Conference on Tax Administration in SEE: Challenges and Responses

Oct 6, 2011


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) co-organized a two day Conference for heads of tax administrations from South East Europe (SEE) which was held at the CEF in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on October 6–7, 2011.

The Conference brought together the heads and representatives of tax agencies from SEE region who discussed the current challenges for tax administrations in the region, the responses to these challenges—and in this context, the IMF’s technical assistance program to support modernization efforts. At the same time, conference provided a unique opportunity for heads of tax administrations to discuss their technical assistance needs with other international organizations that are supporting tax administration reforms in South East Europe.

Conference participants also exchanged their views and experiences in three key strategic issues impacting on most administrations and discussed the important role of strategic planning in progressing these issues:

  • Organization, management and people
  • Information technology
  • Integrating social insurance contributions and tax collections
Issues concerning the implementation of the appropriate and sustainable responses to tax compliance challenges were also highlighted.

Notes to editors:

About the Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF
Since 1964, the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) of the International Monetary Fund has been a leading source of fiscal policy and management expertise worldwide. FAD monitors and analyzes global fiscal trends; advises IMF member countries on fiscal issues directly or in close cooperation with the IMF area departments and contributes to the design and implementation of IMF-supported programs. FAD’s analysis and research is at the forefront of fiscal policy debates. Its recent work has contributed to the discussion on fiscal policy options to address fiscal challenges in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Each year, FAD staff and experts provide advisory services to about 130 IMF member countries covering advanced, emerging and low income economies.

About the Center of Excellence in Finance
The Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) was established in January 2001 by the Slovenian Government on the initiative of the Slovenian Ministry of Finance and in close cooperation with ministries of finance of other countries in South East Europe. The initiative to establish the CEF was framed in the context of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. The CEF recognizes the urgent need of capacity development in public financial management and central banking in the countries of the region to cope with the challenges of implementing much needed reforms.

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