The CEF delivers since March 2013 the Strategic Planning and Budgeting (SPB) project, which is financed by the European Union and has the objective to help strengthening beneficiary countries’ capacity to design and implement medium-term macrofiscal policy. At the first SPB Project Steering Committee, beneficiaries gave feedback on the start of the project and exchanged views on how the SPB could strengthen their capacities in designing fiscal rules and strategies, and sharing ideas about fiscal institutions in their countries.
Committee members confirmed their support in ensuring optimal realization of the project’s objectives by helping identify participants and ways to create an enabling environment for knowledge exchange at beneficiary institutions, and by discussing ways of sustaining and multiplying the project’s impact through other measures at national and regional level. In follow-up, the CEF prepared its Inception Report on the implementation of the SPB project; the report received Steering Committee approval in mid-July 2013.