Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Overview of the Year 2014

Apr 2, 2015


CEF's Annual Report for the year 2014 is now available. Below please find some of the most important highlights of the year. To read more about the CEF 2014 developments please refer to CEF Annual Report 2014.

˃˃˃ In 2014 our long-term efforts for changing the CEF’s legal status bore fruits and the CEF became an international organization. This will enable us to further improve the quality of our programs and projects. The path to this change was often faced with challenges but we managed to overcome them with the help of our valuable partners and supporters.

˃˃˃ The CEF has developed into a globally recognized regional knowledge hub in public financial management and central banking. Knowledge hubs are institutions that have the capacity to capture, package, and share broad or very sector specific experience with domestic and international partners in order to accelerate reform processes. In the past year we launched a NEW blog – CEF = Knowledge Hub – to share knowledge and experience with our partners on learning and knowledge exchange.

˃˃˃ Our program is shaped in cooperation with our member countries. In the past year the annual meetings of the CEF coordinators and the CEF Advisory Board were organized back to back. This enabled the coordinators, who are involved in the development of strategic learning capability of our member institutions, to share and discuss information on their institutions' capacity development needs with our donor partners, members of the CEF Advisory Board. The highly participatory discussion resulted in a number of promising ideas and suggestions that we will take into account in designing and implementing of our learning activities.

˃˃˃ In 2014 we organized jointly with the IMF  High-level Policy Dialogue on Fiscal Transparency and Revenue Administration Reform where senior officials from our member countries were updated on possible further support to PFM and revenue administration reform efforts in the region through technical assistance activities of the IMF and the CEF regional practically-oriented and experience-based learning events. Senior officials expressed their support to the main provisions of the CEF and IMF plan for SEE.

The entire report is available here.

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