Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

New 2014–20 Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU Presented at the CEF Workshop

Oct 15, 2013


Political agreement on the new 2014–20 multiannual financial framework of the EU was reached on June 27, 2013. In cooperation with experts Mojmir Mrak, Professor at Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Emil Erjavec, Professor at Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, and Peter Wostner, Senior Advisor at the Ministry for Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia we prepared a workshop that would give participants basic information about the new EU financial framework.

The multiannual financial framework (MFF, formerly ‘financial perspectives’) is a spending plan that translates the EU priorities into financial terms. It is not a seven-year budget, but the basis for the annual budgetary exercise; it limits expenditure over a fixed period and defines the maximum amounts available for each major category of spending. It therefore provides a political as well as budgetary framework for focusing resources and investments where needed.

Participants’ feedback about the workshop was overwhelmingly positive, as they found it useful and the lecturers experienced and knowledgeable.


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