Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Macedonian Internal Auditors and Accountants Awarded with International Certificates

Oct 19, 2015


Macedonian internal auditors and accountants that successfully concluded professional qualification training programs for public sector accountants and internal auditors were awarded with the international certificates. The ceremony held in Skopje on October 16, 2015 that celebrated the success of the third generations of students also marked the start of the training sessions for the new generation of students.

The goal of the Training of Internal Auditors in Public Sector (TIAPS) and the Public Accountants Certification Training (PACT) projects is to train and certify public sector internal auditors and accountants in line with international standards and European Union regulations, improve the quality of public internal auditing in Macedonia and help the government to strengthen the accounting systems by moving to accrual-based accounting. As a result of these initiatives, 74 internal auditors and 60 accountants from Macedonian public sector have been certified to date. The trainings follow curricla developed by the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) that also awards international certificates and diplomas to successful attendees.

The TIAPS is made possible through joint funding from the US Donors Challenge Fund through the USAID and Slovenia’s Development Cooperation through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia while the PACT is made possible through funding from the World Bank SAFE Trust Fund and the Central European Initiative (CEI). Both projects are implemented by the CEF in cooperation with Macedonian Ministry of Finance.

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