Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Closing Ceremony of PACT Macedonia

Sep 27, 2013


The CEF is happy to announce that the Public Accountants Certification Training (PACT) program in Macedonia is celebrating the successful completion of its first year. The closing ceremony will take place on October 1, 2013 in Skopje.

The PACT is a regional training program in support of improving and establishing public sector accounting systems and standards in South East Europe. Designed by the British Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the CEF, PACT Macedonia was launched in March 2012 with funding from the Slovenian Development Cooperation and the Central European Initiative. In-kind contributions were provided by the Macedonian Ministry of Finance and the CEF.

The closing ceremony and delivery of certificates to students will take place on October 1 at 11:30 in the Debate Hall of the Government of Republic of Macedonia. Keynote speeches will be held by Mr. Zoran Stavreski, Minister of Finance of Macedonia; H.E. Branko Rakovec, Ambassador of Republic of Slovenia in Macedonia; Dr. Adrian Pulham, Director of Education and Membership, CIPFA; and Ms. Mira Dobovišek, Director of the CEF.

For further information on the PACT program click here.

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