Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

CEF and U.S. Government Jointly Implementing Development Projects in SEE

Oct 12, 2015


The director of the Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF), Ms. Mira Dobovišek, hosted Ms. Elizabeth Mader, Political, Economic and Commercial Chief at the U.S. Embassy, Ljubljana. The CEF and the U.S. Government successfully cooperate in development projects in the region of South East Europe. At the meeting possibilities to extend cooperation were explored.

The Training of Internal Auditors in the Public Sector (TIAPS) Macedonia that is implemented by the CEF and jointly funded by the USAID within the U.S. Donors Challenge Fund and Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently taking place in Macedonia. The two year program will enable Macedonian officials to learn international internal audit standards and best practices according to the curricula developed by the British Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. Program is building on the favorable results of previous generations of students that studied at the program. Expected long-term outcome is to achieve an independently and sustainably running program in Macedonia once the TIAPS completes.

At the meeting possibilities to extend cooperation between the U.S. Government and the CEF were explored. Ms. Mader expressed satisfaction on the CEF's sustainable approach to capacity development in the region and will explore possibilities for future cooperation with the CEF.
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