Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe
Dec 17 2014
At the invitation of the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), we recently attended the workshop on »Strategies to Transform Ageing IT Systems«. As we continuously pay particular attention to how we can engage with similar institutions, the event was an excellent opportunity to explore…
Dec 16 2014
Successful students of the second generation of the Training of Internal Auditors in Public Sector (TIAPS) in Montenegro were awarded the international certificates of the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) at the program closing ceremony on December 15, 2014 in Podgorica. This…
Dec 11 2014
We recently visited the Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet) to exchange knowledge and experience on the latest trends and technologies in distance learning. We have been stepping our efforts to transform and complement our face-to-face learning program with distance learning activities, such…
Dec 10 2014
Mira Dobovišek, CEF Director, attended the International Monetary Fund Fiscal Affairs Department's (FAD) 50th Anniversary Conference "Fiscal Affairs, Past and Future" in Washington, DC. The CEF has been working closely with the IMF’s FAD since its establishment. IMF FAD regional technical assistance…
Dec 8 2014
The recent learn4dev Expert Group Leaders Meeting was an opportunity for chairs across different expert groups to exchange information on current learning offerings and relevant resources available among learn4dev members. To further develop learn4dev as a joint learning partnership opportunities for…
Dec 4 2014
In our role of a regional knowledge hub we capture, package, and share knowledge and experience in our member countries. To share information about our work we recently started using LinkedIn network as a support tool in our role of a knowledge broker among knowledge seekers and providers. In addition…
Dec 4 2014
The Steering Group of the Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) coordinated by the CEF and City of Vienna at its last meeting discussed the progress and future actions within the priority area and the strategy. The Priority Area 10 has been implementing the EUSDR institutional…
Dec 3 2014
The OECD Working Party of Senior Budget Officials (SBO) constitutes five regional and six associated thematic networks. We have been strongly involved in the SBO network for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries. This year, we attended the annual meeting of the SBO Performance and Results…
Dec 2 2014
Our journey of changing the legal status into an international organization is coming to an end. Macedonia on November 28 after Slovenia and Bulgaria as the third country deposited the instrument of ratification of the Agreement on Establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance as an international…
Nov 24 2014
We recently launched a blog – CEF = Knowledge Hub – to share knowledge and experience with our partners on learning and knowledge exchange. We hope our readers will enjoy the reading, and we are looking forward to comments and fruitful debate on how learning and knowledge exchange can foster reform processes.…
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