Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe
Jun 21 2013
The CEF organized, with the help of experts from the IMF, Dutch and Australian universities, a workshop on program budgeting. The workshop addressed the design of a program oriented budget classification, program evaluation, steering of arm’s length agencies (i.e. the role of performance information),…
Jun 21 2013
The international conference on Structural Challenges of the Slovenian Economy, organized by the Center of Excellence in Finance and the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, concluded on a successful note and marked its value to the public financial management practitioners and experts…
Jun 20 2013
As part of our Workshop and Seminars program we are organizing a workshop on accrual accounting that will contribute to discussions on recent calls for harmonized European public sector accounting standards. This workshop will bring together public officials, accountants, and external and internal auditors…
Jun 5 2013
On June 4, 2013 the CEF hosted the delegation of the National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) who are on a one-week study visit in Slovenia. During their stay, the visitors explore the Slovenian and EU economic structure and learn from experts dealing with public financial management, governance…
Jun 3 2013
The CEF organized a workshop on medium-term budgeting. Practitioners and professionals with extensive national and international experience shared lessons learned in both advanced and less advanced economies and the challenges that need to be taken into account when designing medium-term budget frameworks.…
Jun 3 2013
The process of changing the CEF’s legal status is culminating with the signing of the Agreement on Establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance as an international organization. The signing ceremony will be held on September 3, 2013 in Bled, Slovenia back-to-back with the annual Bled Strategic Forum. The…
May 30 2013
The Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) and the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development of the Republic of Slovenia (IMAD) are organizing the International Conference on Structural Challenges of the Slovenian Economy to discuss structural reform priorities in times of economic crisis. The…
May 20 2013
The CEF hosted a high-level seminar to examine the role of strong fiscal institutions in improving the quality of fiscal management and helping to ensure fiscal sustainability.This kick-off event of the Strategic Planning and Budgeting (SPB) project responded to the needs of South East European countries…
May 16 2013
To strengthen beneficiary institutions’ capacity in auditing multinational enterprises (MNE), the CEF has partnered with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for a number of years. The very positive outcome of this cooperation has been well attended and received training events,…
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