Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe
Oct 17 2013
The CEF recently hosted the launch of a new book on fiscal rules (“Fiskalna pravila”, in Slovene) written by Helena Kamnar, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Slovenia on Economic and Social Issues, and Neven Borak, Strategic Analyst and Advisor to the Governor of Bank of Slovenia. The book…
Oct 15 2013
Political agreement on the new 2014–20 multiannual financial framework of the EU was reached on June 27, 2013. In cooperation with experts Mojmir Mrak, Professor at Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Emil Erjavec, Professor at Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, and Peter Wostner, Senior Advisor at the Ministry…
Oct 3 2013
The CEF is happy to announce that the Public Accountants Certification Training (PACT) program in Macedonia is celebrating the successful completion of its first year. The closing ceremony took place on October 1, 2013 in Skopje. The PACT is a regional training program in support of improving and establishing…
Oct 3 2013
As part of our efforts to stimulate learning and regional cooperation, we have developed the Strategic Planning and Budgeting (SPB) project which addresses capacity needs in policy design, implementation and coordination of medium-term macroeconomic and fiscal frameworks, and enclosure of the fiscal…
Sep 27 2013
The CEF is happy to announce that the Public Accountants Certification Training (PACT) program in Macedonia is celebrating the successful completion of its first year. The closing ceremony will take place on October 1, 2013 in Skopje. The PACT is a regional training program in support of improving and…
Sep 23 2013
The CEF attended the recent General Meeting of the Tax Authorities of the EU Member States – G28 Meeting – where we presented the CEF training program on taxation and invited the participating countries to join our efforts in responding to the most pressing capacity developments needs that tax authorities…
Sep 23 2013
We started a new season of workshops and seminars at the CEF. We kicked off with a highly relevant learning event on “Budget Supervision by the European Union”. The workshop brought together six lecturers and 15 participants from seven countries to discuss and assess national laws, regulations, and standards…
Sep 6 2013
We are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. The old website served us well, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we hope to take advantage of the most current state-of-the-art tools to make our communication most effective. The launch of the new website,…
Sep 5 2013
The Agreement on Establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance as an international organization has been signed in Bled, Slovenia. President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor addressed ministers signing the agreement and other distinguished guests. The changing of the status is "an important…
Sep 4 2013
On September 3, 2013 the CEF organized a High-level Policy Dialogue on Strategic Planning and Budgeting in South East Europe in Bled, Slovenia. The event was held back-to-back with the annual Bled Strategic Forum and the signing ceremony of the Agreement on Establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance…
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