Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe
Mar 18 2014
In the context of the international symposium “Cooperation for State Building and State Reforming” held in Paris, a partnership agreement on public financial management was signed today between Adetef and the CEF. The three-year partnership aims at promoting best practices in the field of public financial…
Mar 17 2014
We have just started with one week workshop on Introduction to Public Financial Management, organized in cooperation with the Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing, in the premises of National Assembly of Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka. 37 participants from the Supreme Office…
Mar 13 2014
At the recent learning event, Eugene Creighton from the Irish Revenue shared his country's experience in introducing a new Local Property Tax (LPT) on residential property. The Irish case study showed how good design reduced evasion and how a compliance rate of over 90 per cent was achieved before any…
Mar 7 2014
Work can be thought of as a series of steps that flow through traditional departmental boundaries, intertwining with the lives of customers and service users. These flows are called business processes and their design, management and improvement are leaders’ main responsibilities. To introduce a leaner…
Mar 6 2014
To address some of the challenges managers in public sector in South East Europe face, we organized in cooperation with the Irish counterparts from the Carr Communications a workshop on strengthening management skills. Participants agreed that to be an effective manager it is not sufficient to have superb…
Mar 5 2014
On March 4, we hosted the presentation of the book Public Financial Management and its Emerging Architecture, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2013. The first two decades of the twenty-first century have witnessed an influx of innovations and reforms in public financial management.…
Mar 5 2014
We are designing a new workshop addressing the Integration of Structural Reforms into Fiscal Programming. The workshop’s primary objective is to enhance fiscal policy coordination of structural reforms among ministries, and to enhance the capacity of ministries of finance to carry out the coordination…
Mar 4 2014
The recent Training of Trainers workshop was an opportunity for identifying future change agents at both finance and line ministries in SEE who will be involved in sharing technical knowledge on strategic planning and budgeting with their colleagues at the finance and line ministries as well as at the…
Feb 12 2014
The CEF attended meeting of the learn4dev Core Group where it reported about the progress in preparations for the learn4dev Annual Meeting 2014 and exchanged experiences and ideas with the organizers of the previous meeting. We are organizing the annual meeting together with Swiss Agency for Development…
Feb 10 2014
The national budget is a government’s key document and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) play a crucial role in strengthening the government’s accountability in the overall budget cycle. SAIs ensure that national budget and all public resources are spent in accordance with law and in line with the government’s…
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