Nov 15, 2017

EU Candidate Countries’ & Potential Candidates’ Economic Quarterly (CCEQ)

“The annual GDP growth accelerated in most countries despite unfavorable weather conditions which impacted negatively on output growth in some economies,” states the EU Candidate Countries’ & Potential Candidates’ Economic Quarterly (CCEQ, 3rd Quarter 2017, a technical paper written by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affair. The paper addresses the economic recovery in the Western Balkans, which continued in the second quarter of 2017.

The paper examines annualized current account deficits, which narrowed in almost all countries, and says that the overall positions in many cases remain vulnerable. It also includes information on job creation, unemployment rates, public debt level, etc. We learn that despite further progress in fiscal consolidation, “high public debt levels remain a source of vulnerability in several countries, especially given no or limited monetary policy autonomy.” 

The quarterly consists of eight chapters, an overview and reports on each country: Albania, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. All present findings on the following topics: key developments, real sector, labor market, external sector, monetary developments, financial sector, and fiscal developments. Explanatory tables and charts are included.

The full quarterly is available here.