Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Prudential Regulation and Supervision (Basel III and CRD IV)

Nov 56, 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia Register
  • Specialist, Learning Program
    Matija Čarman
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac

The financial crisis has changed the banking sector and demonstrated that supervision practices do not necessarily work during a crisis. It revealed some deficiencies in financial regulation.

The learning initiative will look into the new regulation framework and recent developments in the international and EU regulatory and supervisory environment focusing on the new Basel III liquidity, capital requirements, and specific topics of supervisory review. The latter have been developed as a set of reform measures to strengthen the regulation, supervision and risk management of the banking sector and should function on both micro- and macro-prudential levels.

What you will learn

This learning initiative provides the latest state of play in terms of the EU solvency and liquidity regulation, Pillar I, covering:

- Defining capital and capital buffers

- Liquidity risk supervision, liquidity coverage ratio, and net stable funding ratio

- Large exposures

- Leverage

It will also address the following topics on Pillar II (supervisory review):

- ICAAP approach of Slovene banks

- Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) approach of Bank of Slovenia

- European Banking Authority SREP guidelines

- SSM approach to SREP

Who should attend

The event has been designed for employees from central banks (e.g. from supervision departments), as well as the representatives of financial supervisory agencies.

  • Specialist, Learning Program
    Matija Čarman
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac