Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Program Budgeting, Evaluation and Spending Review

May 2628, 2014
Ljubljana, Slovenia Register
  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič

This training activity will be delivered as part of the Strategic Planning and Budgeting (SPB) project, funded by the European Union. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening of beneficiary countries’ capacity to design and implement medium-term macro-fiscal policy.

Workshop description

In the light of the experiences and challenges with introducing and implementing program oriented budgets, currently new trends are becoming visible with respect to the role of performance information. These include:

  • Separation of the policy dialogue on program results from the budget process; under a program oriented budget process, performance information plays a key role in the policy process, but not necessarily in the budget process.
  • The steering of arm’s length agencies by the line minister on the basis of a permanent performance dialogue with the agency’s manager;
  • Removal of excessive performance information from the budget documentation;
  • Evaluation of program effectiveness and efficiency by the line ministry; more emphasis on the accountability of the line minister for effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Spending review procedures as a tool for the government and the ministry of finance to periodically assess the priority of programs in the light of new social and economic developments and new political demands.

The course will pay attention to each of these new developments and provide information about the recent reforms in the countries where they occurred.

How you will benefit

The objective of this workshop is to help participants better understand the challenges in implementing program oriented budgets.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Reiterate key concepts of program and performance-based budgeting, including types of budget classifications and the role of performance information in policy evaluation and spending review and in the steering of agencies.
  • Describe key implementation challenges and the factors that are necessary to make program oriented budgeting work in practice.
  • Define the new trends in introducing and implementing program budgeting.
  • Benefit from the interactive knowledge exchange among the workshop participants.

Who should attend

This workshop will provide an intense exchange of experience to professional staff and managers who participate in budget preparation process in line ministries.

Your contributions

The workshop will be highly participatory. Participants are encouraged to be active in discussions and exercises throughout the three days. Participants will work in groups to discuss country specifics in introducing and implementing program budgeting reforms.

Participants are required to bring with them the official budget of the Ministry of Education of their country for year 2014 as it was submitted to the Parliament.

  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič