Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Market Value-Based Taxation of Real Property: Lessons from International Experience

Mar 2327, 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia Register
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac
  • Senior Officer, Communications
    Tina Žagar

What you will learn

This workshop convenes property tax experts, scholars, and public officials for a week of presentations by experts combined with case studies and reports from countries where the tax has been recently implemented. The course presents and promotes best practices for property tax administration. It offers a forum for exchange of information and experiences among international experts and colleagues from countries that are considering or have introduced value-based taxation.

The curriculum, developed and presented by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, focuses on property valuation as well as fiscal, legal, political, social and administrative issues. It includes discussion of real property markets, system development and management, market value and mass valuation methods, enforcement of the property tax, and taxpayer education and services. Throughout the program, there are interactive sessions with faculty and participants and participant activities.

A theme running through this year’s course is recognition of the reality of legal, governmental, technical resources, and social environments that are not always ideal for administration of the property tax. Case studies will feature countries where the property tax has been successfully introduced and maintained despite such limitations.

The following topics will be covered during the workshop:

  • The property tax revenue model
  • Real property markets and market value
  • Mass valuation for real property taxation
  •  System planning and development for a value-based property tax
  • Property and market information systems and data
  • Market analysis and valuation methods
  •  Mass valuation technical standards
  • Valuation of unique properties (e.g., agriculture, infrastructure, mining)
  • Legal framework for value-based property taxation
  • The role of one-time charges on property transfers
  • Property tax collection and enforcement
  • Political and social issues related to taxation of property

Who should attend

This course is designed for policymakers and senior level officials responsible for developing and implementing market value-based taxation of real property. Depending on current needs and reforms, these individuals may work with legislative bodies, local governments, or ministries developing policies and laws, or with central and local tax administrations responsible for valuation, tax implementation, and provision of services. This course is also appropriate for officials responsible for real property taxes, information systems, such as land cadasters, valuation of real property for tax purposes, government finance, economic development, or land policy. It should also be of interest to scholars of public finance and taxation.

Your contributions

Participants are requested to prepare a written report in English describing the existing taxes on land and buildings in their country, anticipated plans for or status of implementation of value-based taxation, and any specific issues for the faculty to address during the course. The guidelines for the country reports will be sent to those who plan to attend. The country reports should be sent by email to the Center of Excellence in Finance one week prior to the workshop.

It is our intention to make the course as participatory as possible, and to include discussion questions and case problems for participants. Participants will be requested to make brief comments about the situation in their countries when the specific course topics are discussed, and to identify particular challenges, problems, and solutions for which the faculty and other participants might offer guidance and information.

  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac
  • Senior Officer, Communications
    Tina Žagar