Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Macroeconomic Forecasting

Oct 2024, 2014
ReSPA, Danilovgrad, Montenegro Register
  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič
This training activity will be delivered as part of the Strategic Planning and Budgeting (SPB) project, funded by the European Union. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening of beneficiary countries’ capacity to design and implement medium-term macro-fiscal policy.

What you will learn

This one-week workshop, which will be delivered by the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI) in cooperation with the IMF, will present various forecasting tools and discuss the assumptions and limitations underlying different forecasting models. Participants will explore how to interpret and credibly convey forecast results, assess the uncertainty around the central forecast, and make use of outside forecasts. Ways to improve forecasts in some practical situations (e.g., in case of limited and low-quality data, or structural breaks) will also be discussed.

How you will benefit

The workshop will provide you with the necessary skills for forecasting key macroeconomic variables—including growth, current account, and inflation—and for gauging the sustainability of public debt. These forecasting skills contribute to the macroeconomic analysis needed for macro-fiscal planning and serve as key inputs for the preparation of EC surveillance reports (such as EFPs and PEPs) and other official reports about a country’s macroeconomic outlook.

Workshop topics

The following topics will be discussed during this five-day workshop:

  • Evaluating Regression Models
  • Properties of Time Series Data and Co-Integration
  • Vector Auto-Regressions and Error-Correction Models
  • Conditional Forecasting with Time Series Data
  • Forecasting with Panel and Cross-Section Data

Who should attend

The workshop has been primarily designed for government officials in South East Europe and Turkey who are involved in providing macroeconomic forecasts for the preparation of strategic budget and planning documents. Potential participants are expected to have professional experience developing forecasts and some knowledge of modeling and forecasting methodologies.

Your contributions

The workshop will be highly participatory. Participants will have the opportunity to share experience and knowledge.

Language of the course will be ENGLISH. Translation will not be provided.

  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič