Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe


Feb 24, 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia Register
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac
  • Head of the Learning Program Team
    Kaja Nadj

About this learning event

A workshop provides a detailed overview of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), the main financial instrument for the EU candidate and potential candidate countries.

With the new financial framework for the period 2014–2020 the EU continues its support to the beneficiaries in implementing reforms with respect to their preparations for EU membership. The new instrument aims to operate more flexibly and intends to use innovative financing instruments. In addition to this, IPA II regulation brings several new elements such as simplified regulatory environment and facilitation of the Union's assistance to beneficiary countries and regions, civil society organisations, SMEs, support for economic, social, territorial development, and political reforms, with a view to a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Under the new regulation former components were changed into the following policy areas:

  • Reforms in preparation for Union membership and related institution and capacity building
  • Socio-economic and regional development
  • Employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality, and human resources development
  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Regional and territorial cooperation.

Beneficiary countries of IPA II are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

What you will learn

Course sessions will use a seminar format with a number of practical examples and group work exercises built in to maximize learning. The main objective of this workshop is to familiarize participants with programming, implementing, realizing, and evaluating the (IPA II for EU candidate and potential candidate countries.

During this workshop we will discuss:

  • EU financial frameworks 2014–2020
  • EU Structural and Investment Funds (SIF) 2014-2020 IPA II in the 2014–2020 financial framework
  • Programming of EU structural action funds
  • Programming of EU-funded projects
  • Management and implementation of the EU-funded projects
  • Monitoring and evaluation.

How you will benefit

Participants will be asked to present their experience in setting-up of the IPA in their countries and work on a specific project during the workshop. It will provide insight to practical problems participants may experience during their work. Lecturers will also provide practical examples of other IPA-related issues. Sufficient time will be allotted to questions and answers to enable participants to benefit from the exchange of professional experiences and practical examples.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the concept of EU public finances and financial frameworks
  • Illustrate the phases of EU/IPA-funded projects: programming, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  • Asses understanding of IPA funds and projects through group exercises.

Who should attend

The course is designed for public officials from EU candidate and potential candidate countries working in ministries of finance, ministries and offices for EU integrations, who will prepare and implement IPA projects, and line ministries responsible for various aspects of economic and social development. The workshop is also open to representatives of planning institutions and chambers of economy from EU potential candidate countries and EU candidate countries.

    • Coordinator, Events
      Ivana Gašparac
    • Head of the Learning Program Team
      Kaja Nadj