Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Capital Budgeting

Oct 1618, 2013
Ljubljana, Slovenia Register
  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac
Effective processes of capital budget formulation and capital budget execution are essential elements for ensuring a country’s social and economic development and its financial stability. Without a systematic plan for acquisition, construction, and development of capital assets, countries will not be able to provide essential services to their citizens and business community.

A key challenge in government budgeting is to select the best project to be carried out. This involves on the hand a tradeoff against current spending and on the other hand a tradeoff between alternative projects in each are of capital spending (roads, buildings, hospitals, ICT, pipelines etc.). Without good selection, well integrated in the budget process, there is a risk for too little or too much spending.

What you will learn

The objective of this workshop is to familiarize participants with the fundamentals of capital planning, capital budget formulation and capital budget execution.

These three areas will be further analyzed and discussed:

  • Capital planning - developing policies, setting priorities, choosing projects, cost benefit analysis, determining multi-year cost estimates and assessing alternative methods of financing, with special attention to forms of public private partnerships;
  • Integration in the regular budget process - baseline estimates, relation with medium-term budgeting; how to deal with cost overruns;
  • Capital budget execution - procurement methods, project monitoring, changes in cost estimates, and project completion evaluations.

Who should attend

The workshop has been designed primarily for officials within the areas of capital planning, capital budget formulation and capital budget execution. Typically, participants are employees of ministries of finance or economic affairs, or other institutions involved in infrastructure, public housing or other areas of government investment policies.

To be able to fully participate, it is recommended that a participant has a certain degree of experience in capital budgeting. New graduates are, however, welcome, if accompanied by an experienced officer.

Your contributions

The workshop will be highly participatory. Participants are encouraged to be active in discussions and exercises throughout the three days.

  • Program Facilitator
    Luka Zupančič
  • Coordinator, Events
    Ivana Gašparac