July 13, 2016 by Kaja Nadj, Polona Sirnik, Tina Žagar

Yes, we have been blogging regularly for the past two years and sharing with you our reflections, lessons learned along with some tips and tricks on ways we capture, package and share knowledge and experience in our constituency.

cef blog on learning celebrates its 2nd anniversary


How it all started? Just before our regular meeting of the CEF coordinators and other key liaison officers in 2014 we have developed our idea of playing the role of a knowledge hub for SEE. What we also realized at that time was the need of having a tool through which we are able to capture and share our knowledge and experience as a knowledge hub. This is why we organized the blog  around three sections that represent capabilities of knowledge hubs, this is around capturing, packaging and sharing. Our idea was simple; motivate everybody to contribute to our growing body of knowledge, share this internally and externally. We wanted to capture what we know, and what we represent as a knowledge hub,  and learn from ongoing reflection exercises.

Our blog on learning  has importantly helped us enhance also our  internal communication flow. With 72% of our staff members who on a regular basis contribute content, it has helped us improve internal collaboration, engagement across teams, and has become a »to-go« resource to capitalize on experiences of others and learn from each other. It is a place where we regularly voice our experience in how we believe learning takes place and how we support others in the process.

2016 is a landmark year for CEF as we are turning 15. It has been also a busy year for our  blog on learning and we are proud to be celebrating its 2nd anniversary. It has been an exciting journey and we are commited to continue sharing with you more of our thought provoking lessons on learning.

Hereby we are giving you a quick preview of our upcoming entries:

  • Problem-driven iterative adaptation (PDIA) approach for successful reform initatives
  • Strengthening learning through blended designs
  • Peer learning initiatives


Stay tuned!


Yours blog editors,

Kaja, Polona and Tina