Playing the role of a thematic knowledge hub for South East Europe
At the 2014 Meeting of the CEF Coordinators and Other Key Liaison Officers and the Meeting of our Advisory Board Members, we shared our understanding of how we play the role of a thematic knowledge hubin public financial management and central banking in South East Europe.

Participants to the 2014 Meeting of the CEF Coordinators and Other Key Liaison Officers and the Meeting of the CEF Advisory Board Members
We explained how we CAPTURE reform needs in the region. We reminded our partners what they identified as crucial reform efforts in public financial management and central banking at the 2012 Meeting of Coordinators in Istanbul, Turkey. We also invited our partners to help us capture the future reform needs for our post-2015 capacity development agenda. Senior experts from the International Monetary Fund’s Fiscal Affairs Department joined us through the video conference to share our joint endeavors to reform public financial management and revenue administration systems in the region through both IMF technical assistance and CEF trainings.
Based on the presentation of what the Coordinators identified as crucial reform efforts in public financial management and central banking at the 2012 Meeting of Coordinators in Istanbul, we showcased how we PACKAGE partners’ capacity development needs into different learning activities, projects, and programs. For this purpose we organized the CEF knowledge fair.
Our partners SHARED their reform efforts in the region with each other and CEF donors and partners. We also invited Professor Matt Andrews from Harvard University to express his views on the role of nontechnical factors influencing success in reform processes.

Gerd Schwartz, Brian Olden, and Juan Toro from the IMF joined the CEF meetings through the videoconference.
To learn more about the 2014 Meeting of the CEF Coordinators and Other Key Liaison Officers, see the short video below.